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Conference Paper (international conference)

Verifications of Primal Energy Identities for Variational Problems with Obstacles

Repin S., Valdman Jan

: Large-Scale Scientific Computing : 11th International Conference, LSSC 2017, p. 175-182 , Eds: Lirkov I., Margenov S.

: International Conference on Large-Scale Scientific Computing - LSSC 2017 /11./, (Sozopol, BG, 20170605)

: GF16-34894L, GA ČR, GA17-04301S, GA ČR

: Variational problems with obstacles, Coincidence set, Error identities

: 10.1007/978-3-319-73441-5_18


(eng): We discuss error identities for two classes of free boundary problems generated by obstacles. The identities suggest true forms of the respective error measures which consist of two parts: standard energy norm and a certain nonlinear measure. The latter measure controls (in a weak sense) approximation of free boundaries. Numerical tests confirm sharpness of error identities and show that in different examples one or another part of the error measure may be dominant.

: BA

: 10102