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Radko Mesiar

  1. Mesiar Radko, Kolesárová A., Calvo T., Komorníková MagdaA Review of Aggregation Functions , Fuzzy Sets and Their Extensions: Representation, Aggregation and Models, p. 121-144 , Eds: Bustince Humberto, Herrera Francisco, Montero Javier [2008] Download
  2. Klement E.P., Mesiar Radko, Pap E.Semigroups and triangular norms , Logical, Algebraic, Analytic, and Probabilistic Aspects of Triangular Norms, p. 63-94 , Eds: Klement E. P., Mesiar R., Elsevier, (Amsterdam 2005) [2005]
  3. Klement E.P., Mesiar Radko, Pap E.Triangular norms: Basic notions and properties , Logical, Algebraic, Analytic, and Probabilistic Aspects of Triangular Norms, p. 17-62 , Eds: Klement E. P., Mesiar R., Elsevier, (Amsterdam 2005) [2005]
  4. Mesiar RadkoPietro Benvenuti: 35 anni con gli operatori di aggregazione , Pietro Benvenuti: L'Opera Scientifica, p. 547-553 [2004]
  5. Mesiar Radko, Calvo T.Criteria importances and weights in decision making , Principles of Fuzzy Preference Modelling and Decision Making, p. 95-108 , Eds: de Baets B., Fodor J., Academia Press, (Gent 2003) [2003]
  6. Calvo T., Kolesárová A., Komorníková Magda, Mesiar RadkoAggregation operators: Properties, classes and construction methods , Aggregation Operators: New Trend and Applications, p. 3-106 , Eds: Calvo T., Mayor G., Mesiar R., Physica Verlag, (Heidelberg 2002) Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing. vol.97 [2002]
  7. Calvo T., Mayor G., Mesiar RadkoAggregation Operators: New Trend and Applications, Physica Verlag, (Heidelberg 2002) Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing. vol.97 [2002]
  8. Mareš Milan, Mesiar RadkoVerbally generated fuzzy quantities and their aggregation , Aggregation Operators. New Trends and Applications, p. 291-352 , Eds: Calvo T., Mayor G., Mesiar R., Physica Verlag, (Heidelberg 2002) Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing. [2002]
  9. Calvo T., Kolesárová A., Komorníková Magda, Mesiar RadkoA Review of Aggregation Operators, University of Alcala, (Madrid 2001) Servicio de Publicaciones de la U.A.H. [2001]
  10. Kerre E. E., Mareš Milan, Mesiar RadkoGenerated fuzzy quantities and their orderings , Information, Uncertainty and Fusion, p. 119-130 , Eds: Bouchon-Meunier B., Yager R. R., Zadeh L. A., Kluwer, (Dordrecht 2001) [2001]
  11. Mesiar Radko, Thiele H.On T-quantifiers and S-quantifiers , Discovering the World with Fuzzy Logic, p. 310-326 , Eds: Novák V., Perfilieva I., Physica Verlag, (Heidelberg 2000) Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing. vol.57 [2000]
  12. Klement E.P., Mesiar Radko, Pap E.Triangular norms - basic properties and representation theorems , Discovering the World with Fuzzy Logic, p. 63-81 , Eds: Novák V., Perfilieva I., Physica Verlag, (Heidelberg 2000) Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing. vol.57 [2000]
  13. Klement E.P., Mesiar Radko, Pap E.Triangular Norms, Kluwer, (Dordrecht 2000) [2000]
  14. Dubois D., Kerre E. E., Mesiar Radko, Prade H.Fuzzy interval analysis , Fundamentals of Fuzzy Sets, p. 483-582 , Eds: Dubois D., Prade H., Kluwer Academic, (Boston 2000) The Handbooks of Fuzzy Sets Series. [2000]
  15. Mesiar RadkoFuzzy calculus based on continuous Archimedean t-norms: A basis for intelligent computing , Quo Vadis Computational Intelligence? New Trends and Approaches in Computational Intelligence, p. 224-231 , Eds: Sinčák P., Vaščák J., Physica Verlag, (Heidelberg 2000) [2000]
  16. Benvenuti P., Mesiar RadkoIntegrals with respect to a general fuzzy measure , Fuzzy Measures and Integrals. Theory and Applications, p. 205-232 , Eds: Grabisch M., Murofushi T., Sugeno M., Physica Verlag, (Heidelberg 2000) [2000]
  17. Mareš Milan, Mesiar RadkoCalculation over verbal quantities , Computing with Words in Information/Intelligent Systems 1. Foundations, p. 409-427 , Eds: Zadeh L. A., Kacprzyk J., PhysicaVerlag, (Heidelberg 1999) Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing. vol.33 [1999]
  18. Mareš Milan, Mesiar RadkoVagueness of verbal variables , Soft Computing in Financial Engineering, p. 3-20 , Eds: Ribeiro R. A., Zimmermann H.-J., Yager R. R., Kacprzyk J., Springer, (Heidelberg 1999) Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing. vol.28 [1999]
  19. Mesiar RadkoFuzzy sets, difference posets and MV-algebras , Fuzzy Logic and Soft Computing, p. 345-352 , Eds: Bouchon-Meunier B., Yager R. R., Zadeh L. A., World Scientific, (Singapore 1995) Advances in Fuzzy Systems - Applications and Theory. vol.4 [1995]

  1. Mesiar Radko, Li J., Ouyang Y., Šeliga A.A new class of decomposition integrals on finite spaces , International Journal of Approximate Reasoning vol.149, 1 (2022), p. 192-205 [2022] Download Download DOI: 10.1016/j.ijar.2022.08.004
  2. Mesiar Radko, Kolesárová A.Rectangles-based discrete universal fuzzy integrals , International Journal of Approximate Reasoning vol.148, 1 (2022), p. 162-173 [2022] Download Download DOI: 10.1016/j.ijar.2022.06.003
  3. Agahi H., Mehri-Dehnavi H., Mesiar RadkoMonte Carlo integration for Choquet integral , International Journal of Intelligent Systems vol.34, 6 (2019), p. 1348-1358 [2019] Download Download DOI: 10.1002/int.22112
  4. Agahi H., Mesiar RadkoOn Choquet-Pettis Expectation of Banach-Valued Functions: A Counter Example , International Journal of Uncertainty Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems vol.26, 2 (2018), p. 255-259 [2018] Download DOI: 10.1142/S0218488518500137
  5. Hazarika P., Borkotokey S., Mesiar RadkoBi-cooperative games in bipolar fuzzy settings , International Journal of General Systems vol.47, 1 (2018), p. 51-66 [2018] Download DOI: 10.1080/03081079.2017.1388800
  6. Ouyang Y., Li J., Mesiar RadkoOn linearity of pan-integral and pan-integrable functions space , International Journal of Approximate Reasoning vol.90, 1 (2017), p. 307-318 [2017] Download DOI: 10.1016/j.ijar.2017.08.001
  7. Agahi H., Mesiar Radko, Babakhani A.Generalized expectation with general kernels on g-semirings and its applications , Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Fisicas y Naturales vol.111, 3 (2017), p. 863-875 [2017] Download DOI: 10.1007/s13398-016-0322-2
  8. Mesiar Radko, Li J., Ouyang Y.On the equality of integrals , Information Sciences vol.393, 1 (2017), p. 82-90 [2017] Download DOI: 10.1016/j.ins.2017.02.015
  9. Chen T., Mesiar Radko, Li J., Stupňanová A.Possibility and necessity measures and integral equivalence , International Journal of Approximate Reasoning vol.86, 1 (2017), p. 62-72 [2017] Download DOI: 10.1016/j.ijar.2017.04.008
  10. Ouyang Y., Li J., Mesiar RadkoOn the equivalence of the Choquet, pan- and concave integrals on finite spaces , Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications vol.456, 1 (2017), p. 151-162 [2017] Download DOI: 10.1016/j.jmaa.2017.06.086
  11. Agahi H., Mesiar RadkoProbability inequalities for decomposition integrals , Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics vol.315, 1 (2017), p. 240-248 [2017] Download DOI: 10.1016/
  12. Agahi H., Mesiar RadkoStolarsky's inequality for Choquet-like expectation , Mathematica Slovaca vol.66, 5 (2016), p. 1235-1248 [2016] Download DOI: 10.1515/ms-2016-0219
  13. Mesiar Radko, Stupňanová A., Yager R. R.Generalizations of OWA Operators , IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems vol.23, 6 (2015), p. 2154-2152 [2015] Download DOI: 10.1109/TFUZZ.2015.2406888
  14. Klement E.P., Mesiar RadkoOn the Expected Value of Fuzzy Events , International Journal of Uncertainty Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems vol.23, p. 57-74 [2015] Download DOI: 10.1142/S021848851540005X
  15. Borkotokey S., Hazarika P., Mesiar RadkoA multilinear extension of a class of fuzzy bi-cooperative games , Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems vol.28, 2 (2015), p. 681-691 [2015] Download DOI: 10.3233/IFS-141349
  16. Mesiar Radko, Li J., Pap E.Superdecomposition integrals , Fuzzy Sets and Systems vol.259, 1 (2015), p. 3-11 [2015] Download DOI: 10.1016/j.fss.2014.05.003
  17. Ouyang Y., Li J., Mesiar RadkoRelationship between the concave integrals and the pan-integrals on finite spaces , Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications vol.424, 2 (2015), p. 975-987 [2015] Download DOI: 10.1016/j.jmaa.2014.11.058
  18. Klement E.P., Manzi M., Mesiar RadkoUltramodularity and copulas , Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics vol.44, 1 (2014), p. 189-202 [2014] Download DOI: 10.1216/RMJ-2014-44-1-189
  19. Klement E.P., Mesiar Radko, Spizzichino F., Stupňanová A.Universal integrals based on copulas , Fuzzy Optimization and Decision Making vol.13, 3 (2014), p. 273-286 [2014] Download DOI: 10.1007/s10700-014-9182-4
  20. Greco S., Mesiar Radko, Rindone F.Discrete bipolar universal integrals , Fuzzy Sets and Systems vol.252, 1 (2014), p. 55-65 [2014] Download DOI: 10.1016/j.fss.2014.02.002
  21. Mareš Milan, Mesiar RadkoInformation in vague data sources , Kybernetika vol.49, 3 (2013), p. 433-445 [2013] Download
  22. Agahi H., Mohammadpour A., Mesiar Radko, Ouyang Y.On a strong law of large numbers for monotone measures , Statistics & Probability Letters vol.83, 4 (2013), p. 1213-1218 [2013] Download DOI: 10.1016/j.spl.2013.01.021
  23. Mesiar Radko, Li J., Pap E.Discrete pseudo-integrals , International Journal of Approximate Reasoning vol.54, 3 (2013), p. 357-364 [2013] Download DOI: 10.1016/j.ijar.2012.07.008
  24. Agahi H., Mohammadpour A., Mesiar Radko, Vaezpour M. S.Liapunov-type inequality for universal integral , International Journal of Intelligent Systems vol.27, 10 (2012), p. 908-925 [2012] Download DOI: 10.1002/int.21553
  25. Jurio A., Pagola M., Mesiar Radko, Beliakov G., Bustince H.Image magnification using interval information , IEEE Transactions on Image Processing vol.20, 11 (2011), p. 3112-3123 [2011] Download DOI: 10.1109/TIP.2011.2158227
  26. Durante F., Jaworski P., Mesiar RadkoInvariant dependence structures and Archimedean copulas , Statistics & Probability Letters vol.81, 12 (2011), p. 1995-2003 [2011] Download DOI: 10.1016/j.spl.2011.08.018
  27. Agahi H., Ouyang Y., Mesiar Radko, Pap E., Štrbojaf M.Hölder and Minkowski type inequalities for pseudo-integral , Applied Mathematics and Computation vol.217, 21 (2011), p. 8630-8639 [2011] Download DOI: 10.1016/j.amc.2011.03.100
  28. Klement P. E., Manzi M., Mesiar RadkoUltramodular aggregation functions , Information Sciences vol.181, 19 (2011), p. 4101-4111 [2011] Download DOI: 10.1016/j.ins.2011.05.021
  29. Hamzeh A., Mesiar Radko, Yao O., Endre P., Mirjama Š.Berwald type inequality for Sugeno integral , Applied Mathematics and Computation vol.217, 8 (2010), p. 4100-4108 [2010] Download DOI: 10.1016/j.amc.2010.10.027
  30. Mesiar Radko, Sempi C.Ordinal sums and idempotents of copulas , Aequationes Mathematicae vol.79, p. 39-52 [2010] Download DOI: 10.1007/s00010-010-0013-6
  31. Durante F., Mesiar RadkoL-infinity-measure of non-exchangeability for bivariate extreme value and Archimax copulas , Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications vol.180, 3 (2010), p. 610-165 [2010] Download DOI: 10.1016/j.jmaa.2010.04.005
  32. Ahagi H., Mesiar Radko, Ouyang Y.Chebyshev type inequalities for pseudo-integrals , Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications vol.72, 6 (2010), p. 2737-2743 [2010] Download DOI: 10.1016/
  33. Bustince H., Fernández J., Mesiar Radko, Montero J., Orduna R.Overlap functions , Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications vol.72, p. 1488-1499 [2010] Download DOI: 10.1016/
  34. Bustince H., Montero J., Mesiar RadkoMigrativity of aggregation functions , Fuzzy Sets and Systems vol.160, 6 (2009), p. 766-777 [2009] Download DOI: 10.1016/j.fss.2008.09.018
  35. Mesiar Radko, Kolesárová A.Parametric characterization of aggregation functions , Fuzzy Sets and Systems vol.160, 6 (2009), p. 816-831 [2009] Download DOI: 10.1016/j.fss.2008.08.002
  36. Mesiar Radko, Jayaram B.I-Fuzzy equivalence relations and I-fuzzy partitions , Information Sciences vol.179, 9 (2009), p. 1278-1297 [2009] Download DOI: 10.1016/j.ins.2008.12.027
  37. Mayor G., Mesiar Radko, Torrens J.On quasi-homogeneous copulas , Kybernetika vol.44, 6 (2008), p. 745-756 [2008] Download
  38. Durante F., Kolesárová A., Mesiar Radko, Sempi C.Semilinear copulas , Fuzzy Sets and Systems vol.159, 1 (2008), p. 63-76 [2008] Download DOI: 10.1016/j.fss.2007.09.001
  39. Kolesárová A., Mesiar Radko, Sempi C.Measure-Preserving Transformations, Copulae and Compatibility , Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics vol.3, 5 (2008), p. 325-339 [2008] DOI: 10.1007/s00009-008-0153-2
  40. Mesiar Radko, Mesiarová A.Fuzzy Integrals - What are they? , International Journal of Intelligent Systems vol.23, 2 (2008), p. 199-212 [2008]
  41. Saminger-Platz S., Mesiar Radko, Dubois D.Aggregation operators and commuting , IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems vol.15, 6 (2007), p. 1032-1045 [2007]
  42. Durante F., Kolesárová A., Mesiar Radko, Sempi C.Copulas with given diagonal sections: Novel constructions and applications , International Journal of Uncertainty Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems vol.15, 4 (2007), p. 397-410 [2007]
  43. Kolesárová A., Mayor G., Mesiar RadkoWeighted ordinal means , Information Sciences vol.177, 18 (2007), p. 3822-3830 [2007]
  44. Mesiar RadkoFuzzy set approach to the utility, preference relations, and aggregation operators , European Journal of Operational Research vol.176, 1 (2007), p. 414-422 [2007]
  45. Mesiar Radko, Špirková J.Weighted means and weighting functions , Kybernetika vol.42, 2 (2006), p. 151-160 [2006]
  46. Durante F., Mesiar Radko, Sempi C.On a family of copulas constructed from the diagonal section , Soft Computing vol.8, 10 (2006), p. 490-494 [2006]
  47. Klement E.P., Mesiar RadkoHow non-symmetric can a copula be? , Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae vol.47, 1 (2006), p. 141-148 [2006]
  48. Klement E.P., Mesiar Radko, Pap E.Archimedean components of triangular norms , Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society Series A-Pure Mathematics and Statistics vol.22, 78 (2005), p. 239-255 [2005]
  49. Klement E.P., Mesiar Radko, Pap E.Archimax copulas and invariance under transformations , Comptes Rendus Mathematique, p. 755-758 [2005]
  50. Butnariu D., Klement E.P., Mesiar Radko, Navara M.Sufficient triangular norms in many-valued logics with standard negation , Archive for Mathematical Logic vol.14, 44 (2005), p. 829-849 [2005]
  51. Mesiar RadkoFuzzy measures and integrals , Fuzzy Sets and Systems vol.28, 156 (2005), p. 365-370 [2005]
  52. Klement E.P., Mesiar Radko, Pap E.Different types of continuity of triangular norms revisited , New Matematics and Natural Computation vol.1, 2 (2005), p. 195-211 [2005]
  53. Klement E.P., Mesiar Radko, Pap E.Transformations of copulas , Kybernetika vol.41, 4 (2005), p. 425-434 [2005]
  54. Calvo T., Mesiar Radko, Yager R. R.Quantitative weights and aggregation , IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems vol.12, 1 (2004), p. 62-69 [2004]
  55. Klement E.P., Mesiar Radko, Pap E.Triangular norms. Position paper III: continuous t-norms , Fuzzy Sets and Systems vol.23, 145 (2004), p. 439-454 [2004]
  56. Klement E.P., Mesiar Radko, Pap E.Problems on triangular norms and related operators , Fuzzy Sets and Systems vol.23, 145 (2004), p. 471-479 [2004]
  57. Mesiar Radko, Saminger S.Domination of ordered weighted averaging operators over t-norms , Soft Computing vol.8, 8 (2004), p. 562-570 [2004]
  58. Bouchon-Meunier B., Mesiar Radko, Ralescu D. A.Linear non-additive set-functions , International Journal of General Systems vol.33, 1 (2004), p. 89-98 [2004]
  59. Klement E.P., Mesiar RadkoMeasure-based aggregation operators , Fuzzy Sets and Systems vol.27, 142 (2004), p. 3-14 [2004]
  60. Benvenuti P., Mesiar RadkoOn Tarski's contribution to the additive measure theory and its consequences , Annals of Pure and Applied Logic vol.11, 126 (2004), p. 281-286 [2004]
  61. Mesiar Radkok-Order additivity and maxitivity , Atti del Seminario Matematico e Fisico dell'Universita di Modena vol.23, 51 (2003), p. 179-189 [2003]
  62. Bouchon-Meunier B., Mesiar Radko, Marsala Ch., Rifqi M.Compositional rule of inference as an analogical scheme , Fuzzy Sets and Systems vol.26, 138 (2003), p. 53-65 [2003]
  63. Saminger S., Mesiar RadkoA general approach to decomposable bi-capacities , Kybernetika vol.39, 5 (2003), p. 631-642 [2003]
  64. Mesiar RadkoFuzzy measures and generalized Möbius transform , International Journal of General Systems vol.31, 6 (2002), p. 587-599 [2002]
  65. Mareš Milan, Mesiar RadkoDual meaning of verbal quantities , Kybernetika vol.38, 6 (2002), p. 709-716 [2002]
  66. Calvo T., Mesiar RadkoContinuous generated associative aggregation operators , Fuzzy Sets and Systems vol.25, 126 (2002), p. 191-197 [2002]
  67. Benvenuti P., Mesiar RadkoPseudo-additive measures and triangular-norm-based conditioning , Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence vol.35, p. 191-197 [2002]
  68. Mesiar Radko, Vivona D.A note to the entropy of fuzzy T-dynamical systems , Journal of Fuzzy Mathematics vol.9, 3 (2001), p. 709-714 [2001]
  69. Klement E.P., Mesiar Radko, Pap E.Uniform approximation of associative copulas by strict and non-strict copulas , Illinois Journal of Mathematics vol.45, 4 (2001), p. 1393-1400 [2001]
  70. Calvo T., Mesiar RadkoGeneralized medians , Fuzzy Sets and Systems vol.124, 2 (2001), p. 59-64 [2001]
  71. Marko V., Mesiar RadkoContinuous Archimedean t-norms and their bounds , Fuzzy Sets and Systems vol.121, 2 (2001), p. 183-190 [2001]
  72. Klement E.P., Mesiar Radko, Pap E.Integration with respect to decomposable measures, based on a conditionally distributive semiring on the unit interval , International Journal of Uncertainty Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems vol.8, 6 (2000), p. 701-717 [2000]
  73. Klement E.P., Mesiar Radko, Pap E.Generated triangular norms , Kybernetika vol.36, 3 (2000), p. 363-377 [2000]
  74. Mesiar Radkok-order additive fuzzy measures , International Journal of Uncertainty Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems vol.7, 6 (1999), p. 561-568 [1999]
  75. de Baets B., Mesiar RadkoTriangular norms on product lattices , Fuzzy Sets and Systems vol.104, 1 (1999), p. 61-75 [1999]
  76. de Baets B., Tsiporkova E., Mesiar RadkoConditioning in possibility theory with strict order norms , Fuzzy Sets and Systems vol.106, 2 (1999), p. 221-229 [1999]
  77. Mesiar Radko, Vivona D.Two-step integral with respect to fuzzy measure , Tatra Mountains Mathematical Publications vol.16, 2 (1999), p. 359-368 [1999]
  78. Mesiar Radko, Novák VilémOperations fitting triangular-norm-based biresiduation , Fuzzy Sets and Systems vol.104, 1 (1999), p. 77-84 [1999]
  79. Mesiar Radko, Navara M.Diagonals of continuous triangular norms , Fuzzy Sets and Systems vol.104, 1 (1999), p. 35-41 [1999]
  80. Mesiar RadkoGeneralizations of k-order additive discrete fuzzy measures , Fuzzy Sets and Systems vol.102, 3 (1999), p. 423-428 [1999]
  81. Mesiar Radko, Pap E.Idempotent integral as limit of g-integrals , Fuzzy Sets and Systems vol.102, 3 (1999), p. 385-392 [1999]
  82. Marko V., Mesiar RadkoA note on a nilpotent lower bound of nilpotent triangular norms , Fuzzy Sets and Systems vol.104, 1 (1999), p. 27-34 [1999]
  83. Calvo T., de Baets B., Mesiar RadkoWeighted sums of aggregation operators , Mathware and Soft Computing vol.6, 1 (1999), p. 33-47 [1999]
  84. Mesiar Radko, Pap E.Different interpretations of triangular norms and related operations , Fuzzy Sets and Systems vol.96, p. 183-189 [1998]
  85. Mesiar Radko, Rybárik J.Entropy of fuzzy partitions: A general model , Fuzzy Sets and Systems vol.99, p. 73-79 [1998]
  86. Klement E.P., Mesiar Radko, Pap E.On some geometric transformation of t-norms , Mathware and Soft Computing vol.5, p. 57-67 [1998]
  87. de Baets B., Mesiar RadkoT-partitions , Fuzzy Sets and Systems vol.97, p. 211-223 [1998]
  88. Mesiar Radko, Riečan B.Tatra Mountains Mathematical Publications. Special Volume: Fuzzy Structures , Tatra Mountains Mathematical Publications vol.13, p. 1-248, IFSA Congres '97 /7./, (Prague, CZ, 23.06.1997-24.06.1997) [1997]
  89. Mesiar Radko, Fullér RobertFuzzy Sets and Systems. Special Issue: Fuzzy Arithmetic , Fuzzy Sets and Systems vol.91, 2 (1997), p. 135-269 [1997]
  90. Mesiar Radko, Pap E.On additivity and pseudo-additivity of a pseudo-additive measure based integral , Journal of Fuzzy Mathematics vol.5, 2 (1997), p. 351-364 [1997]
  91. Mesiar RadkoShape preserving additions of fuzzy intervals , Fuzzy Sets and Systems vol.86, p. 73-78 [1997]
  92. Mesiar RadkoTriangular-norm-based addition of fuzzy intervals , Fuzzy Sets and Systems vol.91, p. 231-237 [1997]
  93. de Baets B., Mareš Milan, Mesiar RadkoT-partitions of the real line generated by idempotent shapes , Fuzzy Sets and Systems vol.91, 2 (1997), p. 177-184 [1997]
  94. Mesiar RadkoPossibility measures, integration and fuzzy possibility measures , Fuzzy Sets and Systems vol.92, 2 (1997), p. 191-196 [1997]
  95. Mareš Milan, Mesiar RadkoComposition of shape generators , Acta Mathematica et Informatica Universitatis Ostraviensis vol.4, 1 (1996), p. 37-45 [1996]
  96. Mesiar Radko, Navara M.Ts-tribes and Ts-measures , Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications vol.201, p. 91-102 [1996]
  97. Pap E., Hadžič O., Mesiar RadkoA fixed point theorem in probabilistic metric spaces and an application , Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications vol.202, p. 433-449 [1996]
  98. Mesiar RadkoA note to the T-sum of L-R fuzzy numbers , Fuzzy Sets and Systems vol.79, p. 259-261 [1996]
  99. Klement E.P., Mesiar Radko, Pap E.On the relationship of associative compensatory operators to triangular norms and conorms , International Journal of Uncertainty Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems vol.4, 2 (1996), p. 129-144 [1996]
  100. Mesiar RadkoDifferences on /0,1/ , Tatra Mountains Mathematical Publications vol.6, p. 131-140 [1995]
  101. Klement E.P., Mesiar Radko, Navara M.Extensions of Boolean functions to T-tribes of fuzzy sets , Bulletin pour sous-ensebles flous et leurs applicationes vol.63, p. 16-21 [1995]
  102. Mesiar RadkoChoquet-like integrals , Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications vol.194, p. 477-488 [1995]
  103. Mesiar RadkoDo fuzzy quantum structures exist? , International Journal of Theoretical Physics vol.34, 8 (1995), p. 1609-1614 [1995]
  104. Mesiar Radko, Rybárik J.Pan-operations structure , Fuzzy Sets and Systems vol.74, p. 365-369 [1995]
  105. Mesiar RadkoOn the integral representation of fuzzy possibility measures , International Journal of General Systems vol.23, 4 (1995), p. 109-121 [1995]
  106. Mesiar RadkoOn some constructions of new triangular norms , Mathware and Soft Computing vol.2, 1 (1995), p. 39-45 [1995]
  107. Mesiar RadkoCompact linearly ordered effect algebras , International Journal of Theoretical Physics vol.34, 9 (1995), p. 1891-1897 [1995]

  1. Greco S., Mesiar Radko, Rindone F.Bipolar semicopulas , Abstracts of the 34th Linz Seminar Non-classical measures and integrals, p. 63-65, Linz Seminar on Fuzzy Set Theory /34./, (Linz, AT, 26.02.2013-02.03.2013) [2013] Download
  2. Greco S., Mesiar Radko, Rindone F.Axiomatic foundations of the universal integral in terms of aggregation functions and preference relations , Abstracts of the 34th Linz Seminar Non-classical measures and integrals, p. 62-64, Linz Seminar on Fuzzy Set Theory /34./, (Linz, AT, 26.02.2013-02.03.2013) [2013] Download
  3. Beliakov G., Bustince H., Fernandez J., Mesiar Radko, Pradera A.On the use of restricted dissimilarity and dissimilarity-like functions for defining penalty functions , Proceedings of the 8th Conference of the European Society for Fuzzy Logic and Technology EUSFLAT 2013, p. 620-625 , Eds: Pasi G., Montero J., Ciucci D, EUSFLAT 2013, (Milan, IT, 11.09.2013-13.09.2013) [2013] Download DOI: 10.2991/eusflat.2013.94
  4. Bustince H., Paternain D., De Miguel L., Mesiar RadkoSome notions of internal operators , EUROFUSE 2013 Workshop on Uncertainty and Imprecision Modelling in Decision Making, p. 43-48 , Eds: De Baets B., Fodor J., Montes S., EUROFUSE 2013, (Oviedo, ES, 02.12.2013-04.12.2013) [2013] Download
  5. Beliakov G., James S., Mesiar RadkoA generalization of the Bonferroni mean based on partitions , Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ 2013), 2013 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, (Hyderabad, IN, 07.07.2013-10.07.2013) [2013] Download DOI: 10.1109/FUZZ-IEEE.2013.6622348
  6. Mesiar RadkoDo we know how to integrate? , 9th International Conference on Modeling Decisions for Artificial Intelligence MDAI 2012, p. 13-22, Modeling Decisions for Artificial Intelligence, (Girona, ES, 21.11.2012-23.11.2012) [2012] Download DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-34620-0_3
  7. Klement E., Mesiar RadkoCopula-based integration of vector-valued functions , Advances in Computational Intelligence, p. 559-564 , Eds: Greco S., Bouchon-Meunier B., IPMU 2012 /14./, (Catania, IT, 09.07.2012-13.07.2012) [2012] Download DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-31724-8_59
  8. Greco S., Mesiar Radko, Rindone F.The bipolar universal integral , Advances in Computational Intelligence, p. 360-369 , Eds: Greco S., IPMU 2012 /14./, (Catania, IT, 09.07.2012-13.07.2012) [2012] Download DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-31718-7_38
  9. Bustince H., Fernandez J., Mesiar Radko, Pradera A., Beliakov G.Restricted dissimilarity functions and penalty functions , Proceedings of the 7th Conference of the European Society for Fuzzy Logic and Technology, p. 79-85, EUSFLAT - LFA 2011. Conference of the European Society for Fuzzy Logic and Technology and les Recontres Francophones sur la Logique Floue et ses Applications, (Aix-Les-Bains, FR, 18.07.2011-22.07.2011) [2011] Download DOI: 10.2991/eusflat.2011.79
  10. Bustince H., Fernandez J., Sanz J., Galar M., Mesiar Radko, Kolesárová A.Multicriteria decision making by means of interval-valued Choquet integrals , Eurofuse 2011 : Workshop pn Fuzzy Methods for Knowledge-Based Systems, p. 269-278 , Eds: Melo-Pinto P., Couto P., Serodio C., Fodor J., EUROFUSE 2011, (Regua, PT, 21.09.2011-23.09.2011) [2011] DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-24001-0_25
  11. Paternain D., Lopez-Molina C., Bustince H., Mesiar Radko, Beliakov G.Image reduction using fuzzy quantifiers , Eurofuse 2011 : Workshop pn Fuzzy Methods for Knowledge-Based Systems, p. 351-362 , Eds: Melo-Pinto P., Couto P., Serodio C., Fodor J., EUROFUSE 2011, (Regua, PT, 21.09.2011-23.09.2011) [2011]
  12. Mesiar RadkoFuzzy integrals as a tool for multicriteria decision support , Eurofuse 2011 : Workshop pn Fuzzy Methods for Knowledge-Based Systems, p. 9-15 , Eds: Melo-Pinto P., Couto P., Serodio C., Fodor J., EUROFUSE 2011, (Regua, PT, 21.09.2011-23.09.2011) [2011]
  13. Ghiselli Ricci R., Mesiar RadkoAggregation with multi-attributes: a new perspective , Proceedings of AGOP 2011, p. 151-155 , Eds: De Baets Bernard, Mesiar Radko, Troiano Luigi, Aggregation Operators 2011, (Benevento, IT, 11.07.2011-15.07.2011) [2011] Download
  14. Bustince H., Fernandez J., Mesiar Radko, Beliakov G., Calvo T.Penalty functions over a Cartesian product of lattices , Proceedings of AGOP 2011, p. 59-64 , Eds: De Baets Bernard, Mesiar Radko, Troiano Luigi, Aggregation Operators 2011, (Benevento, IT, 11.07.2011-15.07.2011) [2011] Download
  15. Bustince H., Fernandez J., Mesiar Radko, Kalická J.Discrete interval-valued Choquet integrals , Proceedings of AGOP 2011, p. 23-27 , Eds: De Baets Bernard, Mesiar Radko, Troiano Luigi, Aggregation Operators 2011, (Benevento, IT, 11.07.2011-15.07.2011) [2011] Download
  16. Jurio A., Paternain D., Lopez-Molina C., Bustince H., Mesiar Radko, Beliakov G.A construction method of interval-valued fuzzy sets for image processing , Proceedings of SSCI 2011, T2FUZZ 2011, p. 16-22, SSCI 2011, T2FUZZ 2011, (Paris, FR, 11.04.2011-15.04.2011) [2011] Download
  17. Paternain D., Bustince H., Fernandez J., Beliakov G., Mesiar RadkoImage reduction with local reduction operators , CEC 2010. Proceedings of the IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, p. 1-8, WCCI 2010. IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence, (Barcelona, ES, 18.07.2010-23.07.2010) [2010] Download
  18. Klement E.P., Manzi M., Mesiar RadkoAggregation functions with stronger types of monotonicity , Computational Intelligence for Knowledge-Based Systems Design, p. 218-224 , Eds: Hüllermeier E., Kruse R., Hoffmann F., IPMU 2010 /13./, (Dortmund, DE, 28.06.2010-02.07.2010) [2010] Download
  19. Paternain D., Bustince H., Fernández J., Beliakov G., Mesiar RadkoSome averaging functions in image reduction , Trends in Applied Intelligent Systems, p. 399-408 , Eds: García-Pedrajas N., Herrera F., Benítez J. M., IEA/AIE 2010, (Cordoba, ES, 01.06.2010-04.06.2010) [2010] Download
  20. Bustince H., Fernández J., Mesiar Radko, Montero J., Orduna R.Overlap index, overlap functions and migrativity , Proceedings of IFSA/EUSFLAT 2009, p. 1-6, IFSA/EUSFLAT 2009, (Lisabon, PT, 20.07.2009-24.07.2009) [2009] Download
  21. Kolesárová A., Mayor G., Mesiar RadkoOrdinal Means , Proceedings of the 5th EUSFLAT Conference, p. 75-81 , Eds: Štěpnička M., Novák V., Bodenhofer U., EUSFLAT 2007, (Ostrava, CZ, 11.09.2007-14.09.2007) [2007]
  22. Mareš Milan, Mesiar RadkoInformation in granulated data source , International Conference on Soft Computing, Computing with Words and Perceptions in Systems /4./, p. 185-194 , Eds: Pedrycz W., Aliev R., Jamshidi Mo., Turksen B., International Conference on Soft Computing, Computing with Words and Perception in Systems /4./, (Antalya, TR, 27.08.2007-28.08.2007) [2007]
  23. Mareš Milan, Mesiar RadkoLiguistic scale based information processing , International Conference on Soft Computing, Computing with Words and Perceptions in Systems /4./, p. 56-62 , Eds: Pedrycz W., Aliev R., Jamshidi Mo., Turksen B., International Conference on Soft Computing, Computing with Words and Perception in Systems /4./, (Antalya, TR, 27.08.2007-28.08.2007) [2007]
  24. Kyselová D., Mesiar Radko, Dubois D.Lorentz-like orderings in multicriteria decision making , Proceedings East West Fuzzy Colloquium, p. 249-255, Zittau Fuzzy Colloquium 2006 /13./, (Zittau, DE, 13.09.2006-15.09.2006) [2006]
  25. Mesiar Radko, Kyselová D., Dubois D.Aggregation-based preference relations , Proceedings East West Fuzzy Colloquium, p. 242-248, Zittau Fuzzy Colloquium 2006 /13./, (Zittau, DE, 13.09.2006-15.09.2006) [2006]
  26. Mesiar Radko, Komorník J., Komorníková Magda, Szokeova D.Switching by aggregation operators in regime-switching models , Proceedings in Computational Statistics, p. 1171-1177 , Eds: Rizzi A., Vichi M., COMPSTAT 2006. Symposium /17./, (Rome, IN, 28.08.2006-01.09.2006) [2006]
  27. Saminger S., Dubois D., Mesiar RadkoOn consensus functions in the biopolar case , Preferences, Games and Decisions. Linz Seminar on Fuzzy Set Theory, p. 116-119, Linz Seminar on Fuzzy Set Theory /27./, (Linz, AT, 07.02.2006-11.02.2006) [2006]
  28. Cintula Petr, Klement E.P., Mesiar Radko, Navara M.Varieties of Algebras Based on Strict t-norms and Involutive Negations , Eight International Conference on Fuzzy Sets Theory and Applications, p. 8-9 , Eds: Klement P.E., Mesiar R., Drobná E., Chovanec F., FSTA 2006 /8./, (Liptovský Ján, SK, 30.01.2006-03.02.2006) [2006]
  29. Mesiar RadkoDiscrete copulas - what they are , Joint EUSFLAT-LFA 2005. Conference Proceedings, p. 927-930 , Eds: Montseny E., Sobrevilla P., Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, (Barcelona 2005) , Joint EUSFLAT-LFA 2005, (Barcelona, ES, 07.09.2005-09.09.2005) [2005]
  30. Mesiar RadkoDecision making based on fuzzy sets approaches , Zittau East-West Fuzzy Coloquium. Conference Proceedings, p. 252-258 , Eds: Hampel C., Hochschule Zittau/Görlitz, (Zittau 2005) , Zittau East-West Fuzzy Coloquium /12./, (Zittau, DE, 21.09.2005-23.09.2005) [2005]
  31. Klement E.P., Mesiar Radko, Pap E.Sections of triangular norms , Fuzzy Logics and Related Structures. Proceedings, p. 67-71 , Eds: Gottwald S., Hájek P., Klement E. P., FLLL Linz, (Linz 2005) , Linz Seminar on Fuzzy Set Theory /27./, (Linz, AT, 07.02.2006-11.02.2006) [2005]
  32. Durante F., Mesiar Radko, Sempi C.Copulas with given diagonal section: some new results , Joint EUSFLAT-LFA 2005. Conference Proceedings, p. 932-936 , Eds: Montseny E., Sobrevilla P., Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, (Barcelona 2005) , Joint EUSFLAT-LFA 2005, (Barcelona, ES, 07.09.2005-09.09.2005) [2005]
  33. Calvo T., Lazaro J., Kyselová D., Mesiar RadkoWeights in multicriteria decision making , Proceedings of AGOP'2005, p. 37-39 , Eds: Pasi G., Mesiar R., Struk P., Universita della Svizzera italiana, (Lugano 2005) , International Summer School on Aggregation Operators and their applications, (Lugano, CH, 10.07.2005-15.07.2005) [2005]
  34. Mareš Milan, Mesiar RadkoAggregation of Complex Quantities, ÚTIA AV ČR, (Praha 2005) Internal Publication 2005/12 [2005]
  35. Mareš Milan, Mesiar RadkoAggregation of complex quantities , Proceedings of AGOP'2005. International Summer School on Aggregation Operators and Their Applications, p. 85-88 , Eds: Mesiar R., Pasi G., Faré M., Universitá della Svizzeria Italiana, (Lugano 2005) , AGOP'2005, (Lugano, IT, 10.07.2005-15.07.2005) [2005]
  36. Cintula Petr, Klement E.P., Mesiar Radko, Navara M.On the Special Role of the Hamacher Product in Fuzzy Logics , Fuzzy Logics and Related Structures, p. 34-37 , Eds: Gottwald S., Hájek P., Höhle U., Klement E.P., Linz Seminar on Fuzzy Set Theory /26./, (Linz, AT, 01.02.2005-05.02.2005) [2005]
  37. Klement E.P., Mesiar Radko, Pap E.Triangular norms as special semigroups , Mathematics of Fuzzy Systems, p. 76-82, Linz Seminar on Fuzzy Set Theory /25./, (Linz, AT, 03.02.2004-07.02.2004) [2004]
  38. Marichal J. L., Mesiar RadkoAggregation on finite ordinal scales by scale independent functions , Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems, p. 1243-1250, IPMU 2004 /10./, (Perugia, IT, 04.07.2004-09.07.2004) [2004]
  39. Klement E.P., Mesiar Radko, Pap E.A general approach to integration on finite sets , Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems, p. 61-66, IPMU 2004 /10./, (Perugia, IT, 04.07.2004-09.07.2004) [2004]
  40. Mesiar RadkoPietro Benvenuti and his 35 years with aggregation operators , Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Nonstandard Logics, p. 17-25, International Workshop on Nonstandard Logics /3./, (Praha, CZ, 28.05.2004) [2004]
  41. Mesiar RadkoNew results in aggregation based on ideas of Prof. Benvenuti. Dedicated to Prof. Pietro Benvenuti , Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems, p. 1947-1950, IPMU 2004 /10./, (Perugia, IT, 04.07.2004-09.07.2004) [2004]
  42. Mesiar Radko, Mesiarová A.Fuzzy integrals , Modeling Decisions for Artificial Intelligence. First International Conference, MDAI 2004. Proceedings, p. 7-14, International Conference MDAI 2004 /1./, (Barcelona, ES, 14.09.2004-16.09.2004) [2004]
  43. Klement E.P., Mesiar Radko, Pap E.Copulas: uniforma approximation, invariance, and applications in aggregation , Triangular Norms and Related Operators in Many-Valued Logics, p. 96-100 , Eds: Klement E. P., Mesiar R., JKU Linz, (Linz 2003) , Linz Seminar on Fuzzy Set Theory /24./, (Linz, AT, 04.02.2003-08.02.2003) [2003]
  44. Klement E.P., Mesiar Radko, Pap E.Triangular norms: Some open problems , Triangular Norms and Related Operators in Many-Valued Logics, p. 135-138 , Eds: Klement E. P., Mesiar R., JKU Linz, (Linz 2003) , Linz Seminar on Fuzzy Set Theory /24./, (Linz, AT, 04.02.2003-08.02.2003) [2003]
  45. Mesiar RadkoMöbius transform and k-order additivity , Proceedings of the 9th Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-based Systems, p. 535-538, ESIA, (Annecy 2002) , IPMU '2002 /9./, (Annecy, FR, 01.07.2002-05.07.2002) [2002]
  46. Mesiar RadkoMaxitive and k-order maxitive measures , Preprints of the 1st IFAC/IEEE Symposium on System Structure and Control, IFAC, (Prague 2001) , IFAC/IEEE Symposium on System Structure and Control /1./, (Prague, CZ, 29.08.2001-31.08.2001) [2001]
  47. Mesiar RadkoScale invariant operators , International Conference in Fuzzy Logic and Technology. Proceedings, p. 479-481, Montfort University Leicester, (Leicester 2001) , EUSFLAT 2001, (Leicester, GB, 05.09.2001-07.09.2001) [2001]
  48. Calvo T., Mesiar RadkoStability of aggregation operators , International Conference in Fuzzy Logic and Technology. Proceedings, p. 475-478, Montfort University Leicester, (Leicester 2001) , EUSFLAT 2001, (Leicester, GB, 05.09.2001-07.09.2001) [2001]
  49. Benvenuti P., Mesiar RadkoPseudo-arithmetical operations in the integral representation of aggregation operators , Proceedings of the International Conference Uncertainty Modelling'2001, p. 109-110 , Eds: Mesiar R., Komorníková M., STU, (Bratislava 2001) , Uncertainty Modelling'2001, (Bratislava, SK, 24.09.2001-28.09.2001) [2001]
  50. Calvo T., Mesiar RadkoWeighted triangular norms-based aggregation operators , Proceedings of the International Conference Uncertainty Modelling'2001, p. 53-61 , Eds: Komorníková M., Mesiar R., STU, (Bratislava 2001) , Uncertainty Modelling'2001, (Bratislava, SK, 24.09.2001-28.09.2001) [2001]
  51. Klement E.P., Mesiar Radko, Pap E.(S,U)-integral based aggregation operators , Valued Relations and Capacities in Decision Theory. Abstracts, p. 29-32 , Eds: Klement E. P., Roubens M., Bildungszentrum St. Magdalena, (Linz 2001) , Linz Seminar on Fuzzy Set Theory /22./, (Linz, AT, 06.02.2001-10.02.2001) [2001]
  52. Calvo T., Mesiar RadkoWeighted triangular conorms , Valued Relations and Capacities in Decision Theory. Abstracts, p. 23-26 , Eds: Klement E. P., Roubens M., Bildungszentrum St. Magdalena, (Linz 2001) , Linz Seminar on Fuzzy Set Theory /22./, (Linz, AT, 06.02.2001-10.02.2001) [2001]
  53. Mesiar RadkoFuzzy quantities and their processing , Proceedings of the 9th Zittau Fuzzy Colloquium 2001, p. 55-60, IPM, (Zittau 2001) Wissenschaftliche Berichte. vol.70 , Zittau Fuzzy Colloquium 2001 /9./, (Zittau, DE, 17.09.2001-19.09.2001) [2001]
  54. Mesiar RadkoAggregation operators: Some classes and construction methods , Proceedings of the 8th International Conference IPMU, p. 707-711, Universidad Politécnica, (Madrid 2000) , IPMU '2000 /8./, (Madrid, ES, 03.07.2000-07.07.2000) [2000]
  55. Mesiar Radko, de Baets B.New construction methods for aggregation operators , Proceedings of the 8th International Conference IPMU, p. 701-706, Universidad Politécnica, (Madrid 2000) , IPMU '2000 /8./, (Madrid, ES, 03.07.2000-07.07.2000) [2000]
  56. Mesiar Radko, Calvo T., Martin J.Integral based aggregation of real data , Proceedings of the 8th International Conference IPMU, p. 58-62, Universidad Politécnica, (Madrid 2000) , IPMU '2000 /8./, (Madrid, ES, 03.07.2000-07.07.2000) [2000]
  57. Benvenuti P., Mesiar RadkoA note on Sugeno and Choquet integrals , Proceedings of the 8th International Conference IPMU, p. 582-585, Universidad Politécnica, (Madrid 2000) , IPMU '2000 /8./, (Madrid, ES, 03.07.2000-07.07.2000) [2000]
  58. Bouchon-Meunier B., Delechamp J., Marsala C., Mesiar Radko, Rifqi M.Fuzzy deductive reasoning and analogical scheme , Proceedings of the 1999 Eusflat-Estylf Joint Conference, p. 139-141 , Eds: Mayor G., UIB Palma de Mallorca, (Palma de Mallorca 1999) , Eusflat-Estylf Joint Conference, (Palma de Mallorca, ES, 22.09.1999-25.09.1999) [1999]
  59. Mesiar RadkoUpper and lower bounds in the class of continuous Archimedean t-norms , EUFIT '99. Proceedings, p. 103-108, Mainz, (Aachen 1999) , EUFIT '99, (Aachen, DE, 13.09.1999-16.09.1999) [1999]
  60. Mesiar RadkoGenerated connectives in many valued logic , Computational Intelligence. Theory and Applications. Proceedings, p. 282-286 , Eds: Reusch B., Springer, (Berlin 1999) Lecture Notes in Computer Science. vol.1625 , Fuzzy Days /6./, (Dortmund, DE, 20.05.1999-23.05.1999) [1999]
  61. Mesiar Radko, de Baets B.Ordinal sums of aggregation operators , AGGREGATION '99. Proceedings, p. 133-143 , Eds: Calvo T., Mesiar R., UIB Palma de Mallorca, (Palma de Mallorca 1999) , AGGREGATION '99, (Palma de Mallorca, ES, 22.09.1999-25.09.1999) [1999]
  62. de Baets B., Mesiar RadkoDiscrete t-norms versus discretizations of t-norms , EUFIT '99. Proceedings, p. 141-147, Mainz, (Aachen 1999) , EUFIT '99, (Aachen, DE, 13.09.1999-16.09.1999) [1999]
  63. Calvo T., de Baets B., Mesiar RadkoWeighted sums of OWA operators , EUROFUSE-SIC '99. Proceedings, p. 232-236, Technical University, (Budapest 1999) , EUROFUSE '99 and SIC '99, (Budapest, HU, 25.05.1999-28.05.1999) [1999]
  64. Calvo T., Mesiar RadkoGeneralized medians , AGGREGATION '99. Proceedings, p. 159-165 , Eds: Calvo T., Mesiar R., UIB Palma de Mallorca, (Palma de Mallorca 1999) , AGGREGATION '99, (Palma de Mallorca, ES, 22.09.1999-25.09.1999) [1999]
  65. Calvo T., Mesiar RadkoContinuous generated associative aggregation operators , AGGREGATION '99. Proceedings, p. 149-158 , Eds: Calvo T., Mesiar R., UIB Palma de Mallorca, (Palma de Mallorca 1999) , AGGREGATION '99, (Palma de Mallorca, ES, 22.09.1999-25.09.1999) [1999]
  66. Calvo T., Mesiar RadkoCriteria importances in median-like aggregation , AGGREGATION '99. Proceedings, p. 30-41 , Eds: Calvo T., Mesiar R., UIB Palma de Mallorca, (Palma de Mallorca 1999) , AGGREGATION '99, (Palma de Mallorca, ES, 22.09.1999-25.09.1999) [1999]
  67. Klement E.P., Mesiar Radko, Pap E.(S, U)-integral , Proceedings of the 1999 Eusflat-Estylf Joint Conference, p. 371-374 , Eds: Mayor G., UIB Palma de Mallorca, (Palma de Mallorca 1999) , Eusflat-Estylf Joint Conference, (Palma de Mallorca, ES, 22.09.1999-25.09.1999) [1999]
  68. de Baets B., Mesiar RadkoTriangular norms on the real unit square , Proceedings of the 1999 Eusflat-Estylf Joint Conference, p. 351-354 , Eds: Mayor G., UIB Palma de Mallorca, (Palma de Mallorca 1999) , Eusflat-Estylf Joint Conference, (Palma de Mallorca, ES, 22.09.1999-25.09.1999) [1999]
  69. Calvo T., Mesiar RadkoDistance aggregation operators , Proceedings of the 1999 Eusflat-Estylf Joint Conference, p. 363-365 , Eds: Mayor G., UIB Palma de Mallorca, (Palma de Mallorca 1999) , Eusflat-Estylf Joint Conference, (Palma de Mallorca, ES, 22.09.1999-25.09.1999) [1999]
  70. Mesiar RadkoGenerated conjunctors and related operators in MV-logic as a basic for AI applications , European Conference on Artificial Intelligence. Proceedings, p. 1-5, University of Brighton, (Brighton 1998) , ECAI '98 /13./, (Brighton, GB, 23.04.1998-28.04.1998) [1998]
  71. Kerre E. E., Mareš Milan, Mesiar RadkoOn the orderings of generated fuzzy quantities , Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems. IPMU'98. Proceedings, p. 250-254, La Sorbonne, (Paris 1998) , IPMU'98 /7./, (Paris, FR, 06.07.1998-10.07.1998) [1998]
  72. Mesiar RadkoGeneral k-order additive fuzzy measures , Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems. IPMU'98. Proceedings, p. 1212-1215, La Sorbonne, (Paris 1998) , IPMU'98 /7./, (Paris, FR, 06.07.1998-10.07.1998) [1998]
  73. Mesiar Radko, Kalina M., Marková Andrea, Nánásiová O., Haluška J.Proceedings of the Fuzzy Sets, Quantum Structures and Related Topics and Mathematics and Music, STU, (Bratislava 1997) , International Seminars of the Fuzzy Sets, Quantum Structures and Related Topics and Mathematics and Music, (Kočovce, SK, 18.04.1997-20.04.1997) [1997]
  74. Mesiar Radko, Komorníková M.Triangular norm-based aggregation of evidence under fuzziness , Aggregation and Fusion of Imperfect Information, p. 11-35 , Eds: Bouchon-Meunier B., Springer, (Berlin 1997) [1997]
  75. Mesiar RadkoAdvanced Control: Fuzzy, Neural, Genetic. Preprints of the International Summer School, Slovak University of Technology, (Bratislava 1997) , Advanced Control, (Bratislava, SK, 24.08.1997-06.09.1997) [1997]
  76. Mesiar RadkoUniversal triangular conorms , European Congress on Intelligent Techniques and Soft Computing. Proceedings, p. 44-47, Mainz, (Aachen 1997) , EUFIT '97 /5./, (Aachen, DE, 08.09.1997-11.09.1997) [1997]
  77. Mesiar Radkok-Order Pan-discrete fuzzy measures , Proceedings of the Seventh International Fuzzy Systems Association World Congress, p. 488-490 , Eds: Mareš M., Mesiar R., Novák V., Ramík J., Stupňanová A., Academia, (Prague 1997) , IFSA '97 /7./, (Prague, CZ, 25.06.1997-29.06.1997) [1997]
  78. Mesiar Radko, Novák VilémOn fitting operations , Proceedings of the Seventh International Fuzzy Systems Association World Congress, p. 286-290 , Eds: Mareš M., Mesiar R., Novák V., Ramík J., Stupňanová A., Academia, (Prague 1997) , IFSA '97 /7./, (Prague, CZ, 25.06.1997-29.06.1997) [1997]
  79. Komorníková M., Mesiar RadkoGenerated aggregation operation for knowledge-based systems , Third European Congress on Systems Science, p. 519-524 , Eds: Pessa E., Penna M. P., Edizioni Kappa, (Roma 1996) , European Congress on Systems Science /3./, (Rome, IT, 01.10.1996-04.10.1996) [1996]
  80. de Baets B., Mesiar RadkoFuzzy partitions and their entropy , Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems. IPMU'96. Proceedings, p. 1419-1424, University of Granada, (Granada 1996) , IPMU'96 /6./, (Granada, ES, 01.07.1996-05.07.1996) [1996]
  81. Mesiar RadkoLR-fuzzy numbers , Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems. IPMU'96. Processings, p. 337-342, University of Granada, (Granada 1996) , IPMU'96 /6./, (Granada, ES, 01.07.1996-05.07.1996) [1996]
  82. de Baets B., Tsiporkova E., Mesiar RadkoOn the surprising possibilistic nature of the algebraic product , EUFIT '96. Proceedings, p. 549-553 , Eds: Zimmermann H. J., ELITE, (Aachen 1996) , EUFIT '96, (Aachen, DE, 02.09.1996-05.09.1996) [1996]
  83. de Baets B., Mesiar RadkoResidual implicators of continuous t-norms , EUFIT '96. Proceedings, p. 27-31 , Eds: Zimmermann H. J., ELITE, (Aachen 1996) , EUFIT '96, (Aachen, DE, 02.09.1996-05.09.1996) [1996]
  84. Klement E.P., Mesiar Radko, Pap E.Additive generators of t-norms which are not necessarily continuous , EUFIT '96. Proceedings, p. 70-73 , Eds: Zimmermann H. J., ELITE, (Aachen 1996) , EUFIT '96, (Aachen, DE, 02.09.1996-05.09.1996) [1996]
  85. de Baets B., Mesiar RadkoA possibilistic analogon of Bayes' theorem , Proceedings of the International Workshop on Soft Computing, p. 101-106, Kazan State University, (Kazan 1996) , International Workshop on Soft Computing, (Kazan, RU, 03.10.1996-06.10.1996) [1996]
  86. Mareš Milan, Mesiar RadkoProcessing of sources of fuzzy quantities , Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems. IPMU'96. Proceedings, p. 359-363, University of Granada, (Granada 1996) , IPMU'96 /6./, (Granada, ES, 01.07.1996-05.07.1996) [1996]
  87. Mesiar RadkoComputation over LR-fuzzy numbers , Proceedings of the Current Issues on Fuzzy Technologies '95, p. 165-176 , Eds: Fedrizzi M., University of Trento, (Trento 1995) , CIFT '95, (Trento, IT, 05.06.1995-08.06.1995) [1995]
  88. Mesiar RadkoCompensatory operators based on triangular norms and conorms , Proceedings of the European Congress on Intelligent Techniques and Soft Computing, p. 131-134 , Eds: Zimmermann H. J., Augustinus Buchhandlung, (Aachen 1995) , EUFIT '95, (Aachen, DE, 29.08.1995-31.08.1995) [1995]
  89. Mesiar RadkoPossibility measures based integrals - theory and applications , Proceedings of Foundations and Applications of Possibility Theory, p. 99-197 , Eds: de Cooman G., Ruan D., Kerre E. E., World Scientific, (Singapore 1995) Advances in Fuzzy Systems - Applications and Theory. vol.8 , FAPT '95, (Ghent, BE, 13.12.1995-15.12.1995) [1995]
  90. Mesiar Radko[Recenze] , Tatra Mountains Mathematical Publications vol.6, p. 205 [1995]