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Swart Jan, Jan M. Swart

  1. Sturm A., Swart Jan M., Völlering F.The Algebraic Approach to Duality: An Introduction , Genealogies of Interacting Particle Systems, p. 81-150, Hackensack: World Scientific, (New Jersey 2020) Lecture Notes Series. Institute for Mathematical Sciences. National University of Singapore Genealogies of Interacting Particle Systems vol.38 , Genealogies of Interacting Particle Systems, (Singapore, SG, 20170717) [2020] Download DOI: 10.1142/9789811206092_0003
  2. Schertzer E., Sun R., Swart Jan M.The Brownian web, the Brownian net, and their universality , Advances in Disordered Systems, Random Processes and Some Applications, p. 270-368 , Eds: Contucci Pierluigi, Giardina Cristian [2016] Download DOI: 10.1017/9781316403877.007

  1. Latz Jan Niklas, Swart Jan M.Commutative monoid duality , Journal of Theoretical Probability vol.36, 2 (2023), p. 1088-1115 [2023] Download Download DOI: 10.1007/s10959-022-01197-7
  2. Sun R., Swart Jan M., Yu J.Equilibrium interfaces of biased voter models , Annals of Applied Probability vol.29, 4 (2019), p. 2556-2593 [2019] Download Download DOI: 10.1214/19-AAP1461
  3. Peržina V., Swart Jan M.How much market making does a market need? , Journal of Applied Probability vol.55, 3 (2018), p. 667-681 [2018] Download DOI: 10.1017/jpr.2018.44
  4. Mach Tibor, Sturm A., Swart Jan M.A new characterization of endogeny , Mathematical Physics, Analysis and Geometry vol.21, [2018] Download DOI: 10.1007/s11040-018-9288-y
  5. Swart Jan M.Rigorous results for the Stigler-Luckock model for the evolution of an order book , Annals of Applied Probability vol.28, 3 (2018), p. 1491-1535 [2018] Download DOI: 10.1214/17-AAP1336
  6. Sturm A., Swart Jan M.Pathwise duals of monotone and additive Markov processes , Journal of Theoretical Probability vol.31, 2 (2018), p. 932-983 [2018] Download DOI: 10.1007/s10959-016-0721-5
  7. Swart Jan M.A simple rank-based Markov chain with self-organized criticality , Markov Processes and Related Fields vol.23, 1 (2017), p. 87-102 [2017] Download
  8. Formentin Marco, Swart Jan M.The limiting shape of a full mailbox , Alea (Rio de Janeiro) vol.13, 2 (2016), p. 1151-1164 [2016] Download
  9. Sturm A., Swart Jan M.A particle system with cooperative branching and coalescence , Annals of Applied Probability vol.25, 3 (2015), p. 1616-1649 [2015] Download DOI: 10.1214/14-AAP1032
  10. Schertzer E., Sun R., Swart Jan M.Stochastic flows in the Brownian web and net , Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society vol.227, 1065 (2014), p. 1-160 [2014] Download DOI: 10.1090/S0065-9266-2013-00687-9
  11. Swart Jan M.Noninvadability implies noncoexistence for a class of cancellative systems , Electronic Communications in Probability vol.18, 38 (2013), p. 1-12 [2013] Download DOI: 10.1214/ECP.v18-2471
  12. Athreya S. R., Swart Jan M.Systems of branching, annihilating, and coalescing particles , Electronic Journal of Probability vol.17, 80 (2012), p. 1-32 [2012] Download DOI: 10.1214/EJP.v17-2003
  13. Swart Jan M.Intertwining of birth-and-death processes , Kybernetika vol.47, 1 (2011), p. 1-14 [2011] Download
  14. Swart Jan M., Vrbenský KarelNumerical analysis of the rebellious voter model , Journal of Statistical Physics vol.140, 5 (2010), p. 873-899 [2010] Download DOI: 10.1007/s10955-010-0021-x
  15. Athreya S.R., Swart Jan M.Survival of contact processes on the hierarchical group , Probability Theory and Related Fields vol.147, 3 (2010), p. 529-563 [2010] Download DOI: 10.1007/s00440-009-0214-x
  16. Swart Jan M.The contact process seen from a typical infected site , Journal of Theoretical Probability vol.22, 3 (2009), p. 711-740 [2009] Download DOI: 10.1007/s10959-008-0184-4
  17. Schertzer E., Sun R., Swart Jan M.Special points of the Brownian net , Electronic Journal of Probability vol.14, p. 805-864 [2009] Download
  18. Dawson D.A., Greven A., den Hollander F., Sun R., Swart Jan M.The renormalization transformation for two-type branching models , Annales de L Institut Henri Poincare-Probabilites Et Statistiques vol.44, 6 (2008), p. 1038-1077 [2008] Download DOI: 10.1214/07-AIHP143
  19. Sturm A., Swart Jan M.Tightness of voter model interfaces , Electronic Communications in Probability vol.13, p. 165-174 [2008] Download
  20. Sun R., Swart Jan M.The Brownian net , Annals of Probability vol.36, 3 (2008), p. 1153-1208 [2008]
  21. Sturm A., Swart Jan M.Voter models with heterozygosity selection , Annals of Applied Probability vol.18, 1 (2008), p. 59-99 [2008] DOI: 10.1214/07-AAP444
  22. Swart Jan M., Fleischmann K.Renormalization analysis of catalytic Wright-Fisher diffusions , Electronic Journal of Probability vol.2006, 11 (2006), p. 585-654 [2006]

  1. Swart Jan M.Learning Sessions: more work, less shop? , IMS Bulletin vol.46, 7 (2017), p. 16-17 [2017] Download
  2. Swart Jan M., Vrbenský KarelNumerical Analysis of the Rebellious Voter Model , Abstracts of Contributions to 7th International Workshop on Data - Algorithms - Decision Making, p. 48-48 , Eds: Janžura M., Ivánek J., 7th International Workshop on Data - Algorithms - Decision Making, (Mariánská, CZ, 27.11.2011-29.11.2011) [2011] Download
  3. Swart Jan M.Duals and thinnings of some relatives of the contact process , Prague Stochastics 2006, p. 1-12 , Eds: Hušková M., Janžura M., Prague Stochastics 2006, (Prague, CZ, 21.08.2006-25.08.2006) [2006]