research fellow
Research interests
Presently my main research area is Theoretical Cryptography, in particular algorithms
and protocols with unconditional security, such as secret sharing. Contributed to Information Theory,
Theory of Programming, and Game Theory, applied Mathematical Logic in Theoretical Computer Science.
and protocols with unconditional security, such as secret sharing. Contributed to Information Theory,
Theory of Programming, and Game Theory, applied Mathematical Logic in Theoretical Computer Science.
Publications ÚTIA
A list of selected publications is available on Google Scholar or on researchgate.net.
- Honorary Professor (“Egyetemi Magántanár”), ELTE, 2007
- Habilitation at University of Debrecen, 2006
- Candidate of Mathematical Sciences: Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 1981 (a PhD equivalent degree)
- Master’s degree in Mathematics: E ̈otv ̈os Lor ́and University of Budapest, 1975
- Oct. 2019 – present: UTIA Senior Researcher
- 2001 – 2018: Part-time Professor at the University of Debrecen, Faculty of Informatics
- 1996 – present: Central European University, Chair of Computer and Statistics Center 1990– present Professor at Eötvös Loránd University Computer Science Department
- 1975 – present: Mathematical Research Institute of Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Department of Set Theory and Mathematical Logic, Senior Researcher
- 1990/91: Rutgers University, New Brunswick, N.J., Computer Science Department, Visiting Professor
- 1988/89: University of Chicago, Chicago, Ill., Computer Science Department, Visiting Professor
- 1986/87: McGill University, Department of Mathematics, Montreal, Canada, Visiting Professor
Short Term Visiting Positions:
- 1996 May: Research Center for Discrete Mathematics and Computer Science (DIMACS) at Rutgers, a research fellow
- 1994 October: DIMACS at Rutgers, a research fellow
Teaching activities
I deliver lectures on Theoretical Cryptography, Information Theory, Formal Logic, Philosophy of Mathematics at the Central European University; on Mathematical Logic, and on Set Theory at the Eötvös University; on Cryptography, Mathematical Logic, and Artificial Intelligence at the Universaty of Debrecen.
For more than fifteen years I was a member and later Chair of the Editorial Board of the famous Hungarian “Mathematical Journal for Secondary Schools.” I take part in organizing various mathematical competitions in Hungary, including the National Student Competition in Mathematics and the famous Kürchák competition.