Institute of Information Theory and Automation

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Prof. Milan Mareš passed away

With regret we have to announce that Prof. Milan Mareš, our colleague and a former director of the Institute, passed away suddenly on July 25, 2011. His death came as an unexpected and heavy loss. We will miss him as a great scientist and as a dear colleague and friend.
2018-05-02 13:36

PhDr. Jozef Baruník

obhajil dne 6. října 2011 v 17:00 hod na FSV UK, Opletalova 26 doktorskou disertační práci na téma Wavelet-based Realized Variation and Covariation Theory
2018-05-02 13:36

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2022-02-22 13:32

Award of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic for prof. Michal Haindl et al.

The Award of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic for outstanding results of major scientific importance in 2011 was received by a team of authors from the Institute of Information Theory and Automation. The team led by prof. Ing. Michal Haindl, DrSc. consisting of: Ing. J. Filip, Ph.D, Ing. J. Grim, CSc., RNDr. Vojtech Havlicek, Ph.D, and Ing. M. Hatka was awarded for the scientific outcome: Mathematical modeling of visual properties of surface materials.

2018-05-02 13:36

Sergej Čelikovský promoted as the Full Professor

Mr. Sergej Čelikovský has been promoted by the President of the Czech Republic Mr. Václav Klaus to a professorship in Technical cybernetics. The ceremony occurred in the Carolinum’s pride on Friday, 24th June 2011
2018-05-02 13:36


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