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Workshop on Perception of Material Appearance 2022

Date of event

The department of Pattern Recognition organizes half-day Workshop on Perception of Material Appearance.

The workshop will be held at UTIA, in room 473, on Tuesday, June 14, 2022, starting at 9:00.


09:00-09:10 – Introduction
09:10-09:30 – Jiří Filip (UTIA CAS) – Challenges in creating a digital twin of material
09:30-10:00 – Michal Haindl (UTIA CAS) – Texture similarity criteria
10:00-10:30 – Roland W. Fleming (University of Giessen) – Learning to see stuff: Modelling human Perception with Unsupervised
Deep Learning
10:30-11:00 – Break
11:00-11:20 – Jacob R. Cheeseman (University of Giessen): There’s more to gloss than meets the eye
11:20-11:40 – Filipp Schmidt (University of Giessen): Core dimensions of human material perception
11:40-12:00 – Jiří Lukavský (Institute of psychology, CAS): Measuring similarity of photographs

You are welcome to attend, no registration is required.

More information:



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