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Conference Paper (international conference)

Broiler House Ventilation, CFD analysis of variants

Kic P., Zajíček Milan

: ITAFFE'10 Proceedings, 3rd international congress on information and communication technologies in agriculture, food, forestry and enviroment, p. 126-131 , Eds: Cebeci Zeynel, Sideridis Alexander, Onder Hasan, Cankaya Soner

: ITAFFE'10, 3rd international congress on information and communication technologies in agriculture, food, forestry and enviroment, (Samsun, TR, 14.06.2010-18.06.2010)

: CEZ:AV0Z10750506

: poultry house, CFD, air, velocity, temperature

: http://library.utia.cas.cz/separaty/2010/VS/zajicek-0345495.pdf

(eng): The air flow with a suitable velocity profile is one of the main parameters, which is important for the well-being of animals inside the agricultural buildings. The importat differnece between a broilers houses and other animal houses arises from the fact, that chickens are stabeled continuously from the first day of their lives up to the required weight of a few kilograms. The important and rapid change of all kinds of biological productinos can be observed. The most critical periods are: (1) The end of a poultry growing process during the summer - intensive production of heat and CO2. (2) First days of the production cycle during the winter - the risk of the subcooling of the newborn animals. This paper presents 2D and 3D numerical simulation of the air flow inside the poultry house and shows the dependencies of the flow-field shape on several geometrical factors. The simulation is based on masurings made inside the real broiler house.

: GB