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Journal Article

Assimilation of spatio-temporal distribution of radionuclides in early phase of radiation accident

Hofman Radek, Šmídl Václav

: Bezpečnost jaderné energie vol.18, p. 226-228

: CEZ:AV0Z10750506

: 1M0572, GA MŠk, GA102/07/1596, GA ČR

: decision support, early phase, Gaussian model, radioactive pollution transport

: http://library.utia.cas.cz/separaty/2010/AS/hofman-assimilation of spatio-temporal distribution of radionuclides in early phase of radiation accident.pdf

(eng): Exploitation of the data assimilation methodology in the early phase of radiation accident is studied. When radioactive pollutants are released into the atmosphere, a radioactive plume is passing over the terrain. The released radioactive material causes pathway-specific irradiation which has detrimental effects on population health. In order to ensure efficiency of introduced countermeasures, it is necessary to predict spatial and temporal distribution of the aerial pollution and material already deposited on the ground. The predictions are made by the means of a numerical dispersion model with many inputs. Output of such a model is a prediction of radiation situation given in terms of radiological quantities. Exact values of the inputs are uncertain due to the stochastic nature of the dispersion, lack of accurate information, etc. Their subjective choice can introduce significant errors into the predictions and thus decrease the positive impact of the countermeasures.

: DL