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Conference Paper (Czech conference)

Two applications of Bayesian networks

Vomlel Jiří

: Znalosti 2003. Sborník příspěvků 2. ročníku konference, p. 73-82 , Eds: Svátek V.

: VŠB, (Ostrava 2003)

: Znalosti 2003 /2./, (Ostrava, CZ, 19.02.2003-21.02.2003)

: CEZ:AV0Z1075907

: GA201/02/1269, GA ČR

: Bayesian networks, adaptive testing, decision-theoretic troubleshooting

(eng): We present two recent applications of Bayesian networks: adaptive testing and troubleshooting man-made devices. We review briefly the underlying theory and provide a general framework for building strategies using Bayesian network models. We discuss applications of the framework to adaptive testing and troubleshooting. The paper is based on our experience with two projects.

: 09J, 12B

: BD