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Selected Application Areas of Image Processing: Image Forensics and Medical Imaging

Novozámský Adam

: Czech Technical University in Prague, (Praha 2017)

: VG20102013064, GA MV, VF20102012010, GA MV, GA13-28462S, GA ČR, TA04010877, GA TA ČR, NT/13477-4/2012, GA MZd, GA15-16928S, GA ČR

: Image Processing, Image Forensics, Medical Imaging, forgery detection, capsule endoscopy, videokymography

: http://library.utia.cas.cz/separaty/2017/ZOI/novozamsky-0486992.pdf

(eng): This dissertation deals with analysis of forensic and medical image data, two fields that use advanced methods in \emph{Image Processing}. The Thesis introduces the issue first and then describes the six attached papers with the author's contribution. The first paper presents several methods of forensic analysis of images and videos. These were designed to help in real-life practice to assess the credibility and origin of the data.\nOne way to confuse these methods is to display the forged image on the monitor and then take another photo of it. The second paper focuses on detecting such photos. It tries to find the periodicity caused by the LCD monitor grid in the image. The third conference paper solves the problem of determining the number of reference images to construct a high-performance fingerprint sensor. The fourth paper introduces a new procedure for detecting copy-move in pictures. The most common technique of counterfeiting is to copy part of the image and transfer it to another area. In this manner, it is possible to completely change the information that the image carries. The other two papers focus on the analysis of medical image data. The fifth paper introduces a new way of displaying bleeding spots in the small intestine, and the last paper describes the detection of vibration features of the vocal cords from videokymographic images.

: JD

: 20205