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  1. Mahdian Babak, Nedbal R., Saic StanislavBlind Verification of Digital Image Originality: A Statistical Approach , IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security vol.8, 9 (2013), p. 1531-1540 [2013] Download DOI: 10.1109/TIFS.2013.2276000
  2. Olivas S. J., Šorel Michal, Ford J.Platform motion blur image restoration system , Applied Optics vol.51, 34 (2012), p. 8246-8256 [2012] Download DOI: 10.1364/AO.51.008246
  3. Šroubek Filip, Milanfar P.Robust Multichannel Blind Deconvolution via Fast Alternating Minimization , IEEE Transactions on Image Processing vol.21, 4 (2012), p. 1687-1700 [2012] Download DOI: 10.1109/TIP.2011.2175740

  1. Zitová Barbara, Šroubek Filip, Kamenický Jan, Mahdian Babak, Novozámský Adam, Saic Stanislav, Zita Aleš, Šíma Z., Švarc P., Hořínek J.Imaging device identification and detection of image tampering , Abstract book of 7th European Academy of Forensic Science Conference, European Academy of Forensic Science Conference 2015 /7./, (Praha, CZ, 06.09.2015-11.09.2015) [2015] Download
  2. Zitová Barbara, Šroubek Filip, Kamenický Jan, Kotera Jan, Šorel Michal, Bartoš Michal, Flusser Jan, Šíma Z., Švarc P., Hořínek J.Forensics image and video restoration , Abstract book of 7th European Academy of Forensic Science Conference, European Academy of Forensic Science Conference 2015 /7./, (Praha, CZ, 06.09.2015-11.09.2015) [2015] Download
  3. Zhu X., Šroubek Filip, Milanfar P.Deconvolving PSFs for a Better Motion Deblurring Using Multiple Images , Computer Vision – ECCV 2012, p. 636-647, ECCV12 - 12th European Conference on Computer Vision, (Florence, IT, 07.10.2012-13.10.2012) [2012] Download DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-33715-4_46
  4. Olivas S. J., Šorel Michal, Nikzad N., Ford J.Platform Motion Blur Image Restoration System , Computational Optical Sensing and Imaging 2012, p. 1-3, Computational Optical Sensing and Imaging, (Arlington, US, 23.06.2012-27.06.2012) [2012] Download
  5. Novozámský AdamSource Camera Identification Based on PRNU Invariant to Zoom , Doktorandské dny 2011 sborník workshopu doktorandů FJFI oboru Matematické inženýrství, p. 163-173 , Eds: Ambrož P., Masáková Z., Doktorandské Dny 2011, (Praha, CZ, 11.11.2011-25.11.2011) [2011]
  6. Mahdian Babak, Saic StanislavIdentifying image forgeries using change points detection , Media Watermarking, Security, and Forensics III, SPIE Electronic Imaging, Media Watermarking, Security, and Forensics III, (San Francisco, US, 22.01.2011-23.01.2011) [2011] Download DOI: 10.1117/12.872510
  7. Mahdian Babak, Saic StanislavImage Tampering Detection Using Methods Based on JPEG Compression Artifacts: A Real-Life Experiment , Proceedings of ISABEL'11, ISABEL '11 Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Applied Sciences in Biomedical and Communication Technologies, (Barcelona, ES, 26.10.2011-29.10.2011) [2011] Download DOI: 10.1145/2093698.2093874
  8. Šroubek Filip, Kamenický Jan, Milanfar P.Superfast superresolution , 18th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, p. 1177-1180, 18th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, (Brusel, BE, 11.09.2011-14.09.2011) [2011] Download
  9. Šroubek Filip, Kamenický Jan, Flusser JanDenoising, deblurring, and superresoluton in mobile phones , Computational Imaging IX - Proceedings of the SPIE 2011, IS&T/SPIE Electronic Imaging 2011, (San Francisco, US, 24.01.2011-25.01.2011) [2011] DOI: 10.1117/12.872577