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Prague Stochastics 2010

Date of event

more info: http://simu0292.utia.cas.cz/pragstoch2010/

Continuing the series of international conferences on stochastics organized in Prague since 1956 the Department of Probability and Mathematical Statistics, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University and the Department of Stochastic Informatics, Institute of Information Theory and Automation, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic organize the Prague Stochastics 2010 which will be held from August 30 to September 3, 2010.

In the tradition of the previous conferences the scientific programme will be aimed at covering a wide range of stochastics, with special emphasis on the topics of this lively field which have been pursued in Prague.

The Conference will be held in the conference rooms in the historical building of the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics at the Lesser Town Square (Malostranské náměstí) of Prague. The place is located in the very heart of the city centre, about 200 meters from the Charles Bridge on the left bank of the Vltava River. It is within a short walking distance from many places of interest and historical monuments in downtown Prague.

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