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Annual workshop on Stochastics Informatics and Decision Making (Alšovice 2019)

Date of event

Workshop on Stochastics Informatics and Decision Making  - well known as Alšovice according to the traditional venue of many of the first meetings - is an annual workshop organized by members of the department of Stochastic Informatics of the Institute of Information Theory and Automation of the Czech Academy of Sciences. It is an informal meeting of people interested in various topics of information and decision making theories.

Useful information

  • Date: Wednesday 5th - Friday 7th June 2019.
  • Registration deadline: 15th May 2019. Either via email to  Karel Vrbenský or via Google Forms. Please specify how long you want to stay, the title of your talk and its preferred length.
  • Location: The workshop takes place at Bouda Jana in the Czech republic in the beautiful area of Krkonoše Mountains (see map below).
  • Presentation: Each participant is invited to give a presentation in duration of approximately 30 minutes.
  • Accommodation: Accommodation is provided in the guest house, including full board.



  • 13:00 Petr Lachout: Optimalizace průchodu grafem
  • 13:45 Jan Klaschka: Klasické konfidenční intervaly a jejich dvojčata pro dvojčata
  • 14:30 Zdeněk Fabián: Alternativní teorie pravděpodobnosti pro spojité náhodné veličiny
  • 15:30 Martin Šmíd: Někdy i ekonomie vyžaduje netriviální teorii
  • 16:15 Aleš Kuběna: Částečné Shapleyovské quasivalues
  • 17:00 Petr Tichavský: Detekce poškození potrubních systémů pomocí akustické emise


  • 09:00 Jozef Baruník: Tales of sentiment driven tails
  • 09:45 Luboš Hanus: Dynamic density forecasting using machine learning.
  • 10:30 František Čech: Dynamic Quantile Model for Bond Pricing
  • 11:15 Lukáš Vácha: Time-frequency response analysis of monetary policy


  • 09:00 Milan Studený: O klasifikaci minimálních balancovaných množinových systémů
  • 09:45 Jiří Vomlel: Understanding Subjective Well-Being: An Application of Bayesian Networks in Sociology
  • 10:30 Radim Jiroušek,Václav Kratochvíl: Testování síly ambiguity averze


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