vedoucí vědecký pracovník
Odborné zájmy
nehladká analýza, teorie optimalizace
Publikace ÚTIA
Ph.D. graduates:
- Kalčeva Rosica
- Beremlijski Petr (VSB Ostrava)
- Červinka Michal (ÚTIA AVČR)
- Surowiec Thomas (Simula Research Laboratory, Oslo)
- Adam Lukáš (AI Center FEE CTU)
- Pištěk Miroslav (ÚTIA AVČR)
- 2018 - Prize of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic for extraordinary results of research, experimental development, and innovation
- 2007 - Honorary medal of Bernard Bolzano for Merit in the Mathematical Sciences
- 2013 - Adjunct Professorship, University of Ballarat, School of Science, Information Technology and Engineering, Australia
Invited (plenary) talks
- Frontiers of Stochastic Optimization and its Applications in Industry,Weierstrass Institute Berlin, May 2023
- Workshop on Nonsmooth Optimization, Special Semester on Optimization, Linz, Austria, November 2019
- Colloquium dedicated to the 70th birthday of Boris Mordukhovich, Halle, Germany, July 2018
- Annual Meeting of the Schwerpunktprogramm 1962, Kremmen, Germany, October 2017
- Lecture in honor of Prof. E. Cech, Mathematical Institute Prague, Czech Republic, December 2016
- International Workshop "Variational Analysis and Applications", Erice, Italy, August 2015
- South Pacific Optimization Meeting, Newcastle, Australie, February 2013
- Czech - German - Slovak Conference on Mathematical Methods in Economy and Industry, Berlin, Germany, June 2012
- International Conference on Variational Analysis and Applications, Erice, Italy, May 2012
- 3rd Latin American Conference on Optimization and Control, Valparaiso, Chile, January 2012
- International Symposium on Generalized Convexity and Monotononicity, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, August 2 2011
- Parametric Optimization and Related Topics X, Karlsruhe, Germany, September 2010
- Czech - German - Slovak Conference on Mathematical Methods in Economy and Industry, Budweiss, Czech Republic, July 2010
- European Conference on Operational Research, Prague, Czech Republic, July 2007
- 5th Ballarat Workshop on Global and Non-Smooth Optimization: Theory, Mehods and Applications , Ballarat, Australia, November 2006
- International Conference on Nonlinear Programming and Variational Inequalities, Hong Kong, December 1998