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The third European Workshop on Probabilistic Graphical Models

  Prague, Czech Republic
September 12-15, 2006

Electronic Proceedings Important dates Call for papers Programme Committee Organizing Committee
Workshop Location Workshop Programme Social Events Venue  


Theoretical and applied contributions related to the following topics are welcome:
  • Principles of Bayesian (belief) networks, chain graphs, decision networks, influence diagrams and other graphical models.
  • Information processing in PGMs: exact and approximate inference and knowledge propagation algorithms, junction trees.
  • Learning and data mining in the context of PGMs: machine learning approaches, statistical testing and search methods, MCMC simulation.
  • Exploitation of results from related disciplines for the construction of PGMs, e.g. statistics, information theory, optimization, decision making under uncertainty, multivariate statistical analysis.
  • Modeling and evaluation of PGMs; probabilistic expert systems.
  • Theoretical foundations for PGMs: conditional independence, advanced graphical models, hidden variables.
  • Software systems based on PGMs.
  • Application of PGMs to real-world problems; classification.
  • Any other aspects related to PGMs.
The first PGM workshop was organized in Cuenca, Spain in 2002. The second PGM workshop took place in Leiden, the Netherlands in 2004.

Participants of the PGM workshop may be interested also in taking part at the Workshop on Uncertainty Processing (WUPES'06) that takes place also in the Czech Republic just after the PGM workshop. For details see the web page of WUPES'06 workshop.

Workshop Programme

The workshop programme is available as a single PDF file. Print it double sided on an A4 paper with the flip on the short edge. Then turn it down twice to get a folding sheet of paper.

The workshop programme is also available as three separate PDF files with programme  for  Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday.

Programme Committee

  • Milan Studeny, Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic
Committee members
  • Concha Bielza, Technical University of Madrid, Spain
  • Luis M. de Campos, University of Granada, Spain
  • Francisco J. Diez, UNED Madrid, Spain
  • Marek J. Druzdzel, University of Pittsburgh, USA
  • Ad Feelders, Utrecht University, Netherlands
  • Linda van der Gaag, Utrecht University, Netherlands
  • Jose A. Gamez, University Castilla La Mancha, Spain
  • Juan F. Huete, University of Granada, Spain
  • Manfred Jaeger, Aalborg University, Denmark
  • Finn V. Jensen, Aalborg University, Denmark
  • Radim Jirousek, Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic
  • Pedro Larranaga, University of the Basque Country, Spain
  • Peter Lucas, Radboud University Nijmegen, Netherlands
  • Fero Matus, Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic
  • Serafin Moral, University of Granada, Spain
  • Thomas D. Nielsen, Aalborg University, Denmark
  • Kristian G. Olesen, Aalborg University, Denmark
  • Jose M. Pena, Linkoping University, Sweden
  • Jose M. Puerta, University Castilla La Mancha, Spain
  • Silja Renooij, Utrecht University, Netherlands
  • David Rios Insua, Rey Juan Carlos University, Spain
  • Antonio Salmeron, University of Almeria, Spain
  • James Q. Smith, University of Warwick, UK
  • Marco Valtorta, University of South Carolina, USA
  • Jirka Vomlel, Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic
  • Marco Zaffalon, IDSIA Lugano, Switzerland

Organizing Committee 

  • Radim Jirousek, Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic
Committee members
  • Milena Zeithamlova, Action M Agency, Czech Republic
  • Marta Vomlelova, Charles University, Czech Republic
  • Radim Lnenicka, Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic
  • Petr Simecek, Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic
  • Jirka Vomlel, Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic

Important dates

  • Abstract submission deadline: May 15, 2006
  • Full paper submission deadline: May 22, 2006
  • Notification of acceptance: June 28, 2006
  • Early registration: July 7, 2006
  • Final version of papers: July 24, 2006
  • Late registration: September 4, 2006
  • Workshop: September 12-15, 2006


Prague is the capital of the Czech Republic. Since the Middle Ages Prague has been famous as one of the most beautiful cities of the world, and has been attributed adjectives such as "golden," "hundred-spired," "the crown of the world," and "a stone dream." In 1992 the historical core of the city, covering 866 hectares, was listed in the UNESCO World Cultural and Natural Heritage Register. Prague represents a unique collection of historical monuments dominated by the Prague Castle, which towers high above the city. It is a specimen of all artistic styles and movements.
For more information about Prague visit, for example, Prague Information Service.

Sv. Vít Hradčany Sv. Mikuláš
Staroměstské náměstí Prašná brána Tančící dům

Social events

On Tuesday, September 12 afternoon we will organize for workshop participants and accompanying persons a walking tour through the historical centre of Prague.

On Wednesday, September 13 evening we invite the workshop participants and
accompanying persons to a welcome party in the Michna palace in the heart of the city's Lesser Town (Mala Strana).

Workshop Location

The workshop will take place in a building of the Faculty of Social Sciences of Charles University in Jinonice, which is a part of Prague 5. The address is:
        Charles University - Campus Jinonice
        U Krize 4 - 10
        Prague 5 - Jinonice
The location is easily accessible by the underground (Metro) line B (yellow). Get off at JINONICE station. The university building is at about 300 meters distance from the underground station. In time of the registration the path to the conference building will be marked.
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