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6th Workshop on Variational Analysis and Optimization, Mariánská

Date of event

Workshop on Variational Analysis and Optimization is an annual workshop organized by members of the Czech Academy of Sciences. It is an informal meeting of people interested in various topics of optimization theory. It combines a mathematical program in the afternoon/evening with a free program in the morning/early afternoon, when one can enjoy the beautiful scenery, go hiking, skiing or just discuss mathematics. Because of its location on the Czech-German border, it is suited mainly for Czech and German researchers.

Useful information

  • Date: Thursday 28nd - Sunday 3rd March 2019 (the scientific programme will take place on Friday and Saturday afternoon and given higher number of participants possibly also on Sunday morning).
  • Registration deadline: 10th January 2019. Either via my email or Google Docs. Please specify how long you want to stay, the title of your talk and its preferred length.
  • Location: The workshop takes place at Máriánská in the Czech republic. It is close to Karlovy Vary (Karlsbad) or Chemnitz (see map below).
  • Presentation: Each participant is invited to give a presentation in duration of approximately 30 minutes.
  • Fee: The workshop (including accommodation) is free of charge.
  • Accommodation: Accommodation is provided in a mountain cottage with shared kitchen and toilet facilities. Internet is provided via Eduroam. Even though the accommodation is good, please note that it is not a hotel.
  • Other information: Please bring your own slippers and something to eat for breakfast. We plan to have joint dinners.

More information can be found on the workshop website.

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