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7th Workshop on Uncertainty Processing

Mikulov, Czech Republic
16 - 20th September, 2006

Mikulov Castle

[Topics] [Programme committee] [Important Dates] [Venue] [Location] [Conference fee]
[Electronic proceedings] [Paper preparation]

A series of Workshops on Uncertainty Processing (WUPES) was held in the Czech Republic in 1988, 1991, 1994, 1997, 2000, and 2003. Like the previous meetings the forthcoming Workshop will foster creative intellectual activities and the exchange of ideas in an informal atmosphere. Therefore we will keep the number of participants limited (about 40).

Contributions belonging to the various fields of uncertainty processing are invited. Typical examples are:

  • probabilistic modelling (conditional independence models, graphical models, Bayesian networks, models based on coherence principles),
  • logical and algebraic modelling (including fuzzy approaches),
  • possibilistic approaches,
  • models based on belief functions,
  • representative applications.

The working character of the meeting is stressed by the fact that we also welcome papers casting new problems and inspiring discussion as well as contributions presenting promising but as yet not finished results.

Programme committee
Didier Dubois (France)
Petr Hajek (Czech Republic)
Radim Jirousek (Czech Republic)
Gernot D. Kleiter (Austria)
Peter Naeve
Romano Scozzafava (Italy)

Important dates
29th May 2006 submission of extended abstracts (two pages) by e-mail to vejnar
15th June 2006 author notification of accepted/rejected papers
5th August 2006 camera-ready copy of accepted papers (extended deadline)

The conference will be held in the monumental chateau in the middle of Mikulov - a small beautiful town in South Moravia, close to the border with Austria. Located at the foot of Pálava hills, surrounded by rich vineyards and lush verdure, the renowned town of Mikulov will make everyone fall in love with it. The dazzling white rocks with silver cliffs, rich flora and unique fauna and azure sky-this is Mikulov, one of the jewels of Moravia. For more information on Mikulov visit the home page of Mikulov Tourist Information Centre.

Conference fee
Conference fee is 260 EUR (or 7280 CZK) and includes the registration, coffee breaks, proceedings, four lunches and two dinners. It should be payed (preferably) by a bank transfer to:

Czech Society for Cybernetics and Informatics
Pod vodarenskou vezi 2
180 00 Praha 8
Czech Republic

Account number: 0208673319
Bank code: 0800
IBAN: CZ70 0800 0000 0002 0867 3319
Bank address:
Ceska sporitelna a. s.
Pobocka Praha 8
Kyselova 1659
Praha 8

Reference: you must indicate your first name, surname and WUPES'06 as a payment reference.
Czech participants should add "konstantni symbol: 0308" and "variabilni symbol: 606"

Electronic proceedings
Electronic proceedigs of Wupes'06 are available online.

Paper preparation
The LaTex and PDF versions of full papers (recommended length is 8 - 12 pages) should be submitted by e-mail to vejnar before 31st July. When preparing your contribution, please, follow the instructions for the authors. We recommend you to use our LaTex template. See files wupes.pdf and wupes.tex.

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