Our group focuses on the research, development and implementation of advanced digital signal and image processing algorithms, mainly in the fields of telecom, audio processing and scene analysis (image segmentation, motion detection). We build on our experience with the Bayesian approach to recursive identification of linear systems with time variable parameters.
Our target platforms are Field-Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs). We are focused mostly on embedded SoC solutions based on Xilinx Kintex, Zynq and ZynqULTRASCALE+ devices programmed by Xilinx Vivado and SDSoC tools. We also use Matlab/Simulink or OpenCV library to specify, model and verify algorithms which we subsequently convert and synthesize to FPGAs using HLS tools. That is why we also study features which result in fast execution, small memory footprint, small chip area and low power consumption. This is achieved through designing new DSP algorithms or modifying the existing DSP algorithms and by exploiting advanced architectural properties of FPGA circuits. Our aim is not only to deal with the theoretical design of algorithms but also to help industrial partners to solve implementation issues in all their complexity.
Currently we focus our development mainly around Zynq and ZynqULTRASCALE+ FPGA family boards from Xilinx and from Trenz (industrial and automotive grade ones).
Our aim is not only to deal with the theoretical design of algorithms but also to help industrial partners to solve implementation issues in all their complexity. The key partner is Technical Development of SKODA AUTO a.s. where we have main competence in development electronic systems for testing Human-Machine-Interface.
The department also continues in developing methods of Bayesian statistics towards estimation of mixtures with different distribution of components. The theory is used in practical applications (The Municipality of the capital city Prague, Motol University Hospital) and also lectured in Faculty of Transportation Sciences CTU, Prague.
Our department participated in several RTD projects supported by Framework Programmes of the EU as well as national grant agencies. Nowadays our group takes part in RTD projects financed by ECSELJoint Undertaking.
Among further activities belongs e.g. long-term participation in development international technical standards in Working Groups ISO.
See presentations and videos for the Department of Signal Processing evaluation 9th March 2021.